Academy Policies
Please follow the links below to access The Quest’s policies. Other policies are available by contacting the main school office.
Trust Policies
In addition to our Academy policies, there are a number of central trust-wide policies that can be found on The Collegiate Trust website.
Admissions Criteria, Charging & Remissions, Data Protection, ECT, Equalities Policy and Statement of Objectives, Financial Policy & Procedures, Freedom of Information, Gifts and Hospitality, Health & Safety, Governors Allowance, Grievance Complaints Policy and Procedure for Staff, Safer Recruitment, Salary, Staff Absence, Staff Disciplinary, Trust Improvement Strategy, Whistleblowing
Please click this link which will take you to The Collegiate Trust policy section:
The Memorandum of Association, Articles of Association and Funding Agreement are also all available on the TCT website.