Aims of the Curriculum
At Quest, our curriculum aims to secure positive and transformative learning experiences for our students so that “Learning Changes Lives”. We aim to develop engaged, determined and successful learning, harnessing the energy, diversity and motivation the students bring. We strive to raise aspirations by securing firm foundations in the core curriculum- enabling creative thinking and independence in the wider curriculum. By providing rich and varied experiences within and outside the classroom, our curriculum is designed to ensure our students develop the life skills required to be informed and eloquent citizens. We ensure students develop the attributes required to fulfil this curriculum by teaching through the LEARN acronym in all we do.
The Quest Academy opened in 2010 and is part of The Collegiate Trust. We opened our sixth form, Quest6 in 2012 and moved into stunning new buildings in 2014, providing the very best facilities for our staff and students. Our students are genuinely our greatest asset, and it is our aim that their educational experience builds upon and enriches their attributes. Our student body is diverse and has a high proportion of FSM. They are energetic, keen to learn and increasingly academically able. Our curriculum reflects the specific needs of our students and is delivered through our underlying values of: integrity, compassion, respect, tolerance, kindness, courage, generosity and a life-long love of learning. Our curriculum is rooted in the latest research and available evidence about how students learn and how we can enhance their experience to develop engaged, determined and successful learners. Our intent is designed to meet 5 specific needs of our students:
1. to raise aspirations for future careers and academic study so students are confidently ready for the next stage of life.
2. a solid foundation in the core curriculum, including reading, to ensure the wider curriculum is fully accessible for all.
3. exposure to the breadth, depth, variety and challenge of academic study to become confident, creative, effective independent learners with a love and capacity for life-long learning.
4. a range of experiences outside the classroom which enhance and complement cultural capital.
5. a curriculum which explores, develops and celebrates diversity as an absolute positive and ensures students develop life-skills which enable them to become resilient, informed and eloquent citizens who make a positive contribution to modern British society.
For more information on the curriculum in each subject area, please click below. If you have further questions about our curriculum, please email them to:
Please click the link below for a full list of courses available at Key Stage 4.