When we send email messages to parents, we often use a bulk messaging facility which is part of our student data management system. This sends messages via Capita servers and appears to be from 3066910@capita-intouch.co.uk

As many other schools use the same facility, there can be many thousands of email messages generated each week.


Unfortunately, AOL’s anti-spam servers often block messages from @capita-intouch.co.uk. This is out of our control.

We recommend you set-up a Google Mail account and set this as your main contact email for messages from the school. You can configure Google Mail to forward messages onto your normal account which may help with this issue. See: https://support.google.com/mail/answer/10957?hl=en for more information.


BT email users may find messages from us in the spam folder. We recommend you specify the above address as a ‘safe sender’. Please see: http://bt.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/53113/~/using-bt-mails-anti-spam-features for further information.

All other users

We recommend you add 3066910@capita-intouch.co.uk to the allowed/safe sender/whitelist settings in your email settings. Most email providers publish information on how to do this in their help guides.