Strong moral values underpin the ethos of The Quest Academy. We welcome students from a wide range of cultural and faith (or non-faith) backgrounds and expect all families to value and support the moral values at the heart of all aspects of life at The Quest Academy.

We will foster understanding, tolerance and mutual respect whilst producing confident, capable and respectful young people. At all times, we aim to create an environment that nurtures and develops:

  • Integrity
  • Compassion
  • Respect
  • Tolerance
  • Kindness
  • Courage
  • Generosity
  • A life-long love of learning

These values make The Quest Academy a positive and inclusive community in which all students feel safe, valued and part of the family.


The Quest Academy expects the highest standards of student behaviour. A clear Behaviour Policy stresses the importance of students acting with maturity and consideration to other members of the school and the wider community.

We provide a secure, happy and harmonious learning environment with excellent teaching. It is the students’ responsibility to be well-presented, hard-working and courteous at all times. It is the parents’ or carers’ responsibility to help children succeed by supporting the Behaviour Policy and ethos of The Quest.

Our staff work with students to help them understand and appreciate the importance of being considerate to others and behaving in a responsible way. Our Behaviour Policy embodies our ethos and moral values and emphasises their relevance to every day relationships and scenarios.

We expect our students to wear their uniform with pride, recognising that at all times they are ambassadors of The Quest Academy.