Year 9 Win the ACLT Charity Football Tournament!
On Sunday 19th May, the Quest Academy year 9 football team represented the school at the KICK OFF @ 3, 7-A-SIDE football tournament, run in partnership with Afro Caribbean Leukaemia Trust (ACLT) and organised by the Police.
The day was a great success with the year 9 boys winning the U14 competition after a nail biting penalty shoot-out in the final. A big shout out should go to Quest GK Cassius H who saved 3 out of the 4 penalties he faced and to Matt A who won player of the tournament.
The boys demonstrated some fantastic team work throughout and again showcased the phenomenal talent this team has by not losing a game and not conceding a goal for the whole tournament!
The boys received a lovely gold trophy for their victory, which will be placed in the display cabinet in reception.
However, the day was far more about bringing people together in the local community and raising awareness for the charity which the boys more than contributed towards.
A big thank you must go to the school for paying the £25 entrance fee which goes straight to the ACLT charity.
On behalf of myself and the team we dedicate this victory to Daniel De Gale and his family who have shown fantastic strength in raising awareness for this charity since the devastating loss of their son Daniel 10 years ago.
The team have now progressed to a national final which will be held at the Warren on the 9th June! Well done boys.
R Wilder