The Quest Academy Retains Ofsted “Good” Rating
The Quest Academy has once again been rated ‘Good’ in all respects by Ofsted inspectors and has improved since the last inspection in June 2015. The inspector’s report, which follows a visit to the academy in June 2018, commends the Academy’s strong and effective leadership for maintaining, “the good quality of education in the school since the last inspection” and ensuring, “that the school continues to improve”. “Leaders communicate a clear vision of a learning journey for all pupils as they progress through the school”.
The inspectors acknowledged that of those Sixth Form students who left in 2017, all of them “secured places at university or were accepted onto apprenticeships,” and, “Just under one in five students went to Russell Group universities, with one student gaining a place at Oxford University. This impressive figure is above the London average.” Prior to joining the Sixth Form, “Pupils continue to achieve very well at GCSE” and, “The proportion of strong passes in both GCSE English and mathematics continues to be above national averages.”
In terms of student behaviour, the report identified, “a strong learning culture in the school whereby most pupils understand the importance of behaving well. Inspectors found pupils to be both courteous and respectful”. “All the pupils who spoke to inspectors said that they felt safe and well looked after. They reported that bullying is very rare.”
The comprehensive curriculum offer was also praised. “Inspectors found that there is a broad range of subjects on offer to pupils who, when speaking to inspectors, were very positive about the variety of opportunities available to them”.
Andy Crofts, Principal, says, “We’re really pleased that Ofsted has endorsed our view that we are a good school with significant strengths, outcomes that are above the national average and an organisation which continues to improve year on year. We will now work tirelessly to become truly outstanding in the years to come.”
The full letter from Ofsted can be read here.