
In the Sixth Form we aim to provide a framework for the rounded development of the individual and welcome students, who at 16, wish to join The Quest Academy for this important stage in their preparation for adult life.

The Quest Academy is well-equipped with a discrete sixth-form area consisting of a study space with internet access, a common room and kitchen facilities.

The official school day begins at 8.15 am and finishes at 2.40pm and is divided into six fifty-minute sessions.

Quest parents are consulted at all stages of their child’s progress and this policy continues into the Sixth-Form. During the two years of a Sixth-Form course, parents are invited to meet the staff on two occasions and receive regular written reports on their son/ daughter’s progress.

Visit the following link for details on How to Apply

Your application should be with the Academy by Friday, 16th January 2015 if possible. Late applications will be accepted at our discretion. Offers of places will be made by the end of March 2015.