Maths Lockdown learning ran alongside the content in line with the schemes of work. Lessons were set daily in line with students’ timetables – these included Loom videos, YouTube videos, Hegarty Maths lessons and tasks. All classes had their weekly live lessons designed to help students catch up and keep learning until things are fully back on track.

To ensure effective marking and feedback, the Maths department held a CPD session on providing student feedback using the rubrics on Google classroom. Teachers created short tests for their classes, marked and provided valuable feedback based on their assessment results.

The response from the students was incredibly good with most learners engaging in their live lessons and completing the class work set. The recorded live lessons ensured that students had a chance of watching the lesson if they had missed the session or to reiterate their understanding of the topic during the lesson.

Students thoroughly enjoyed their remote learning and were praised for their efforts with merits and positive parent calls.