Drama Workshop at The Old Vic
On Tuesday 7th January a group of Year 10 Drama students kicked off the decade with a workshop that was delivered by theatre professionals. Still clinging onto the Christmas spirit, the workshop explored the themes, design and decisions made of a production of A Christmas Carol at The Old Vic.
The workshop was excellently delivered with our students contributing really clever, slick and confident performances and answers.
The following day, (Wednesday 8th) we took the students to a production of the show so that they could identify everything that had learned in the workshop. We were greeted with warm mince pies and oranges, keeping in the festive spirit.
The students and staff were captivated by the clever blocking and staging which was rich in symbolism and abstract themes that everyone interpreted brilliantly. The whole event culminated in a Q&A with 3 of the actors in the performance which was invaluable to them as they start the process themselves of bringing their own text to life.
J Russell