Drama & Media During Lockdown
During the lockdown, drama students explored topics such as puppetry, A Midsummer Night’s Dream and The Crucible, as well as having access to recorded theatre and reviewing plays. Groups have also been working remotely to develop plays that they will have to perform as part of their assessment when they return to school.
Work has been submitted via Show My Homework, photographic evidence, email attachment and video links.
Some of the undoubted highlights have come through video link with particular mention to Oscar Pegler who worked on creating a valued piece: https://youtu.be/lz9OKAf4sU8, and Harry Bradley produced an amazing video involving Donald Trump, which certainly is humorous.
Certain students have gone beyond the amount of detail required and genuinely impressed, such as Monique Haba with her mood board about A Midsummer Night’ dream.
In Media, students have had the opportunity in Year 10 to improve and further develop the projects they have been working on. Year 9 have developed their knowledge of how media has changed over the year through the medium of film, magazines & games.