Cross-Curricular Day – How is our planet changing?
For cross-curricular day on Monday 11th July, Geography and Science collaborated to create a variety of activities for Years 7-9 related to the question, “How is our planet changing?”
Session 1 began with students exploring the changes across the world that already exist, relating to diversity of language, cultures, population, natural landscape, climate and biomes. This was collated into a large collage in the shape of a world map to be displayed in school.
Session 2 introduced students to their role in the changing climate of the world. Students were researching their personal carbon footprints and ways in which they can decrease their own emissions through everyday activities, even down to the food they eat.
In the last session, students moved on to consider natural changes that happen beneath our feet. Students researched volcano formation and proceeded to build their own fully functioning volcanoes in the science lab using a variety of household products and hydrogen peroxide.