On Monday of Activities Week, we braved the heat (with plenty of water breaks and time in the shade too) to tackle the school allotment. Over the Covid period it is fair to say that it had become a little overgrown, so our intrepid group of Year 7s and 8s went about reclaiming it ahead of a more productive season next year.

Students set about weeding, raking, tidying, and organising, as well as proposing a growing calendar for the year ahead. We were also able to learn how to plant both bedding plants and herbs, get the compost heap well and truly stocked and prepare the vegetable beds with a good turn and rake to reclaim it from the grass.

We look forward to bringing a lot more to life in the coming year and thank the Upcycle project team for their excellent contributions in terms of planters and furniture.

Watch this space for announcements of crops to come!