The Quest Academy has been awarded the title of “Secondary School of the Year” in an awards ceremony hosted by Croydon Council. In a statement, the Council said, “Quest’s academic success was central to its receiving the accolade of top secondary school. Under the strong leadership of principal, Andy Crofts, the school’s examination results have improved dramatically since it converted to academy status three years ago”.

It added, “With 63% of all pupils now achieving good GCSE grades, the school is well above the national average despite many students starting with relatively low attainment levels. Earlier this year, the government placed Quest in the top 100 schools in the country for this record of achievement.”

The Council recognised the inherent challenges and extent of this achievement, given students’ starting points, indicating that they make outstanding progress overall. An Ofsted report earlier this year praised outstanding teaching at Sixth Form level in economics, mathematics and English literature.

In addition to academic achievements, there have been dramatic improvements in behaviour since the Academy opened. The Academy is now recognised by students and parents alike as a “disciplined environment in which students flourish”.

Principal, Andy Crofts said, “We are delighted that our achievements and hard work have been recognised with this award. Quest students from Year 7 to Sixth Form are now getting great results in an environment that is supportive and ultimately geared towards success. With our new building going up fast around us, the educational experience at the Quest is about to get even better! I thank Croydon Council for their recognition and all staff, governors, students and parents who are essential in supporting the work that we do.”

The Quest’s success is underpinned by the leadership expertise and experience provided by the Academy’s Sponsors, The Coloma Trust and Coloma Convent Girls’ School.